File #5: "Montgomery Daughters of the Confederacy at the Old Soldiers Home"

Montgomery Daughters of the Confederacy at the Old Soldiers Home

Dublin Core


Montgomery Daughters of the Confederacy at the Old Soldiers Home


This artifact featured the United Daughters of the Confederacy’s Montgomery chapter in front of the soldiers’ home facility’s construction. That chapter and the U.D.C. itself endorsed the sentiment Camp W. J. Hardee’s United Confederate Veterans chapter held: “the home should be built, not only for the good that it will now do, but because it would live as a monument after all the old Confederates were gone. We want the greatest good for the indigent” [1]. Hence, the Daughters subsequently coordinated with the U.C.V. and Jefferson M. Falkner, the soldiers’ home director, through fund-raising and article publishing initiatives [2]. Therein, the Daughters reinforced the South’s values of paternalism through their shared concerns for the veterans’ care and, through that framework, presented said charge as a civic matter for Alabamians.


L. H. and J. M. Williams


January 26, 1906


Jon Hall

