In Monterey, California, a monument to Confederate General Robert Selden Garnett found a home for over 60 years. This controversial marker of the "Lost Cause," erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) with the support of the city's…
The Mount Hope Cemetery Memorial represented the continuation of the Lost Cause legacy as it stretched into the Golden State. The memorial continued this legacy by honoring the soldiers who fought to preserve slavery. It resides in San Diego,…
Jefferson Davis Highway (JDH), named after the Confederacy’s first and only president from 1861-1865, was once meant to be a coast-to-coast highway from Arlington, Virginia to San Diego, California. Construction began in 1913 and was funded by the…
The giant Sequoia is a marvel of nature. These are some of the largest trees in the world and they reside in Kings Canyon National Park in California. Each of these grand giants is named for historical figures. In this region, called Ulysses S. Grant…
The Confederate Monument at Santa Ana Cemetery was erected in 2004 by Santa Ana Mayor Gordon Bricken and members of the Orange County Sons of Confederate Veterans. The monument was a 9-foot-tall, 7-ton granite rectangular structure created to honor…
On June 3, 1925, the Confederate Monument Association of Los Angeles (CMALA), together with the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), unveiled the Confederate memorial at the Hollywood Cemetery. The function of the stone marker was to honor and…