'Talbot Boys' Confederate Monument, Easton Maryland

"Talbot Boys" Monument
"Talbot Boys" Monument

Dublin Core


'Talbot Boys' Confederate Monument, Easton Maryland


Monuments & memorials; United States—History—Civil War, 1861-1865; United States—Maryland—Talbot Boys Memorial


A young soldier stands with a C.S.A. flag on his left side, holding it with both hands. The flag curls behind him, covering his back. He wears a broad-brimmed hat and an open shirt. The youth is meant to represent youthful courage and enthusiasm, as portrayed in Longfellow's poem "Exceisior." The statue is mounted atop an inscribed pedestal, which is atop a base with plaques. A brass box containing the names of contributors was placed in the base.

After the Charleston Church shooting in 2016, residents of Easton rallied to reexamine the "Talbot Boys" monument. After a group called "Save the Talbot Boys" surfaced and received over 1,200 signatures, the city council voted to keep the monument up to respect the families of the Confederate soldiers who served. Years later, after George Floyd's death, the town called for a vote to take the "Talbot Boys" statue to be taken down. After a 3-2 vote in August 2020, the city council decided to keep the statute up.

Although, most recently, in September of 2021 another vote on the statue's fate in light of the George Floyd case concluded with a 3-2 majority on a compromise to remove the figure off public grounds. It is to be relocated to Cross Keys Battlefield, a private park in Harrisonburg, Virginia.

The monument was removed in March 2022. This was the last confederate monument on public property in Maryland.


United Daughters of the Confederacy


Cortez, Julio. "Maryland's last public Confederate monumnet removed." AP News, AP News, March 14, 2022. https://apnews.com/article/maryland-easton-0e3e498c7b642fb9712f33fc78eea7b0.

"Maryland Removes Its Last Confederate Monument on Public Land." Smithsonian Magazine, March 18, 2022. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/maryland-confederate-statue-talbot-boys-180979755/.

Moyer, Justin Wm. “Maryland County Votes to Keep Statue Honoring Confederate Soldiers.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 13 Aug. 2020, www.washingtonpost.com/local/talbot-boys-confederate-statue/2020/08/13/66db0830-dcd0-11ea-b4af-72895e22941d_story.html.

Oxenden, McKenna. “Talbot Boys Confederate Monument to Be Removed on Courthouse Grounds on Maryland's Eastern Shore.” baltimoresun.com. Baltimore Sun, September 15, 2021. https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/eastern-shore/bs-md-talbot-boys-statue-relocation-20210915-q63slcw6nzgkbbb6275pwj3vtm-story.html.


Washington Times


July 1914 to present


Marcus Reveles, Samuel M. Cox, Delaney Kohler.




Statue: bronze; Pedestal: rough-finished granite; Base: rough-finished granite; Foundation: concrete.


HIST 402A. (Fall 2020), HIST 402A. (Fall 2021)


Easton, ML
