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  • Tags: CSA Leaders

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Historical marker of the site of where the Confederate government was officially dissolved. The marker is a stone slab with the seal of the confederate government at the top centre. The marker rests on the site of the Wilkes County Courthouse.…

John Hunt Morgan Monument
Born in 1825, John Hunt Morgan was raised in Lexington, Kentucky [1]. Morgan joined the U.S. War with Mexico alongside some of his family members as cavalry privates [2]. After joining the Confederacy, Morgan's best-known Civil War exploit was his…

Life After Death General Grant Tree Trail
The giant Sequoia is a marvel of nature. These are some of the largest trees in the world and they reside in Kings Canyon National Park in California. Each of these grand giants is named for historical figures. In this region, called Ulysses S. Grant…

Jefferson Davis Monument
The Jefferson Davis Monument in Fairview, Kentucky memorializes the birthplace of the first and only president of the Confederate States of America. According to accounts during a 1907 reunion of the Orphan Brigade, the largest military unit to be…

Photo of Nathan Bedford Forrest Statue
The Nathan Bedford Forrest statue was dedicated to paying respect for the Confederate General and Ku Klux Klan grand wizard in 1998. The first photo in our archives gives a view of the sculptor located off of interstate 65 in Tennessee on private…

Edmund Pettus Bridge, Selma, Alabama
Located in Selma, Alabama, the Edmund Pettus Bridge was built in 1940 crossing the Alabama River and on the U.S. Route 80. It is named after the last senator who was Confederate general and Grand Dragon of the Alabama Ku Klux Klan. Edmund Pettus was…

Charlottesville Unite the Right Rally
This statue of Robert E. Lee was erected in 1924 in Charlottesville, Virginia in Market Street Park, which was formerly called Lee Park. It is also on the National Register of Historic Places after being listed in 1997. It is one of four statues…

Confederate Leaders on Stone Mountain: President Jefferson Davis and Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson
In 1914, the carving of Stone Mountain faced financial issues while turning a mountain into a memorial, William H. Terrell, an Atlanta attorney along with "the United Daughters of the Confederacy's Atlanta chapter leader Caroline Helen Jemison…

Statue of Alexander H. Stephens in Washington D.C.
This marble statue depicts Alexander Hamilton Stephens (1812-1883), the former Vice President of the Confederate States of America. Located in the National Statuary Hall within the Congress Building in Washington, D.C., it was carved by artist Gutzon…
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